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Research Usage

Active Research Projects

Project Name Researcher Use
On parameterized SDP using PDEs and numerical algebraic geometry Tingting Tang Research involves solving parametric SDPs in a compact domain and finding the maximum analytical perturbation set within this domain using tools from PDEs and numerical algebraic geometry. Massive computations are performed using MATLAB and Bertini to demonstrate this method with even low dimensional examples such as 1-D, 2-D and 3-D parametric SDPs.
Improving Biomass Burning Estimates in Mexico Atsushi Nara This project uses VERNE and its GPUs to classify crop types using satellite-based remote sensing imagery and deep learning techniques, which helps differentiate the types of agricultural burning based on various crop types, calculate fuel consumption, and estimate emissions.
TBA Uduak George TBA

Previous Research Projects

Project Name Researcher Use
Multimodal Synthetic Data Generation Stephanie Zarrouk The JupyterHub GPU cluster aided research on multimodal synthetic data generation using the ImageTextGen (ITG) framework, integrating GANs and transformers. ITG generates unbiased synthetic medical data with correlated image and text data types, facilitating precise and responsible training and validation of data-driven models.