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Available Container Images

JupyerHub makes use of a container image to execute your code/commands. You must use a container image that contains the software you wish to use. We use images provided by Nautilus which are based on Jupyter Docker Stacks. However, additional images can be created for specific needs.

All images include GPU Nvidia and CUDA support, and will provide access to GPU resources if selected during container launch.

General Container Images

The following general purpose containers are available for use.

Name Image Software
Stack Minimal minimal-notebook Ubuntu 20.04
JupyterLab 4.0.2
Python 3.10.12
Git 2.25.1
Cuda 11.7.r11.7
Stack R r-notebook (everything in minimal-notebook)
R 4.3.1
IRKernel to support R code in Jupyter notebooks
tidyverse packages 2.0.0
caret, crayon, devtools, forecast, hexbin, htmltools, htmlwidgets, nycflights13, randomforest, rcurl, rmarkdown, rodbc, rsqlite, shiny, tidymodels, unixodbc packages from conda-forge
Stack SciPy scipy-notebook (everything in minimal-notebook)
altair, beautifulsoup4, bokeh, bottleneck, cloudpickle, conda-forge::blas=*=openblas, cython, dask, dill, h5py, matplotlib-base, numba, numexpr, openpyxl, pandas, patsy, protobuf, pytables, scikit-image, scikit-learn, scipy, seaborn, sqlalchemy, statsmodel, sympy, widgetsnbextension, xlrd packages
ipympl and ipywidgets for interactive visualizations and plots in Python notebooks
Facets for visualizing machine learning datasets
Stack Tensorflow tensorflow-notebook (everything in scipy-notebook)
tensorflow 2.11.0 machine learning library
Stack Datascience datascience-notebook (everything in tensorflow-notebook)
rpy2 package
The Julia 1.7.2 compiler and base environment
IJulia to support Julia code in Jupyter notebooks
HDF5, Gadfly, RDatasets packages
Stack PRP prp-notebook (everything in tensorflow-notebook)
astropy, bowtie, fastai, keras, nbgitpuller, opencv-python, psycopg2-binary, tensorflow-probability, torch 1.13.1, torchvision, visualdl, CommPy packages
R Studio r-studio (everything in minimal-notebook)

The following diagram shows the relationship of the above container images.

graph LR;

Custom Container Images

Name Image Course Software
Eclipse C/C++ Desktop eclipse-notebook COMPE 160 Introduction to Computer Programming (everything in minimal-notebook)
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers 2022-03 release for Linux x86_64
icedtea-netx net-tools dbus-x11 firefox xfce4 xfce4-panel xfce4-session xfce4-settings xorg xubuntu-icon-theme gpg curl lsb-core
Kube Notebook kube-notebook Research for Interacting with Kubernetes (everything in minimal-notebook)
kubectl rclone vim git unzip zip curl wget
SageMath Notebook sagemath-notebook MATH 522 Number Theory (everything in scipy-notebook)
GIS Notebook gis-notebook GEOG 582 GIS Programming with Python (everything in scipy-notebook)
geopandas geoplot rasterio laspy netcdf4 psycopg2 networkx pysal beautifulsoup4 selenium
Health Informatics Notebook health-informatics-notebook P H 700A Principle Program Data Structures in Public Health (everything in scipy-notebook)
biopython pytest

The following diagram shows the relationship between the general and custom container images.

graph LR;