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GitHub Education is a program offered by GitHub aimed at supporting students, educators, and educational institutions. It provides access to free developer tools and resources to foster learning and collaboration within the academic community. GitHub Education offers benefits such as free access to GitHub Enterprise features, GitHub Classroom for managing coding assignments, and opportunities for students to gain real-world experience with Git source control. The program encourages the use of GitHub as a platform for hands-on learning, code sharing, and building a strong network within the tech community.

Git vs GitHub

Git is a distributed source control management tool which was originally developed by Linus Torvalds for managing contributions to the Linux kernel. Git is capable of managing source code from very small to very large software projects and is used widely in industry and academia.

GitHub is a popular git repository hosting site that offers features and services centered around git. As of this writing, GitHub boasts 100 million+ users and 330 million+ git repositories. GitHub allows for both public and private git repositories, catering to both open and closed source software development.