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Logging In

JupyterHub is available using a web browser and your SDSUid to authenticate. Only specific courses/sections have been granted access. Your instructors will let you know if you’ve been granted access.

Launch JupyterHub

  1. Use your web browser to navigate to
  2. Click the Sign in with CILogon button.
  3. Select San Diego State University from the drop down and check the Remember this selection checkbox. CILogon Prompt
  4. Click Log On
  5. Next, you will be redirected to SDSU’s Shibboleth system. Provide your SDSUid credentials and click Login. Shibboleth Prompt
  6. When prompted, complete the Duo/MFA authentication request. Duo Prompt
  7. Once authenticated you will be redirected back to JupyterHub and presented with a list of container images. Your instructor will provide you details on which one to select. Container Prompt